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Case Study 1

Proofreading, Copyediting, and Formatting a Business Website

Company Name: Living Memories C.I.C

Industry: Charity


Client’s Requirements: Brian, founder and CEO of Living Memories C.I.C, a not-for-profit social enterprise which promotes the use of archive film and images to trigger memories and reduce isolation, required a thorough proofread of his website content and a copyedit of any sentences or paragraphs to make sure the text flows well. He wanted to ensure that his website looked professional and appealing to potential clients. Brian was flexible with the deadline, but did say that it would be best if we could return his work within two weeks.

How We Helped: After understanding Brian’s requirements, we helped correct any spelling, punctuation and grammar errors in the text, along with making sure the text was consistent and flowed well. Keeping in mind the typical audience of the business, we copyedited text by structuring the sentences and paragraphs in a presentable fashion, and made sure the text was clear and easy to read to the audience. Furthermore, we provided suggestions on how to make sure the clarity and style of any possible content added to the website in the future flow well and how it can be consistent with the other text. In addition, we helped format Brian’s content, particularly the layout of the text being consistent in every page of the website, i.e., the margins, headers, footers, and spacing being consistent in every page. As Brian was unfamiliar with the ‘Track Changes’ feature on MS Word, we guided him through the process and explained, in great detail, how the feature worked, providing him reassurance that we were happy to help with this in the future if needed.

End Result: The work was given back to Brian within 6 days. Brian’s website is now live and free from any English errors. Brian has become more confident with the ‘Track Changes’ feature on MS Word, and continues to use our services to this day without needing help with the ‘Track Changes’ feature. We have thoroughly enjoyed working with Brian. 

Client Feedback: “Their proofreading, copyediting and formatting services were all excellent. Could not fault them in any aspect. Always very helpful and understanding of my questions. I am really appreciative of the amazing service.”


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